
Credentials for accessing LocalStack AWS API

Like AWS, LocalStack requires access key IDs to be set in all operations. The choice of access key ID will affect multi-account namespacing. Values of secret access keys are currently ignored by LocalStack.

Access key IDs can be one of following patterns:

Accounts IDs

You can specify a 12-digit number which will be taken by LocalStack as the account ID. For example, 112233445566.

Structured access key ID

You can specify a structured key like LSIAQAAAAAAVNCBMPNSG (which translates to account ID 000000000042). This must be at least 20 characters in length and must be decodable to an account ID.

By default, LocalStack will only accept access keys that start with the LSIA... or LKIA... prefix. If keys with ASIA.../AKIA... prefix are provided, these are rejected and the fallback account ID 000000000000 is used. This is a safeguard to prevent misuse of production AWS access key IDs. To disable this safeguard, set the PARITY_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID configuration variable.

Please refer to the IAM docs to learn how to create access keys in LocalStack.

Alphanumeric string

You can also specify an arbitrary alphanumeric access key ID like test or foobar123. In all such cases, the account ID will be evaluated to 000000000000.

Last modified May 17, 2024: Add callout shortcode (#1260) (52d305d4e)