Creating infra with CloudFormation locally

In this video, we’ll explore how you can use AWS CloudFormation with LocalStack. AWS CloudFormation allows you to declaratively define your AWS cloud architecture, specifying resources like S3 Buckets and Lambda Functions. To deploy using AWS CloudFormation, we’ll use awslocal, a wrapper CLI around the AWS command line interface.

In this video, we’ll utilize AWS CloudFormation to deploy AWS resources locally through LocalStack. These resources include DynamoDB tables, API Gateway, and VPC. We’ll use awslocal, a wrapper CLI that serves as a wrapper on the aws CLI to execute Terraform commands against LocalStack.

Here’s a breakdown of the steps we’ll take:

  • We’ll guide you through the entire CloudFormation Stack, demonstrating various configuration options for creating the infrastructure for our application.
  • After deploying the CloudFormation Stack, we’ll examine some outputted resources, including API URLs, ECS cluster names, VPC ID, and more.
  • Finally, we’ll verify the deployment and confirm the creation of resources using the Resource Browser.

Further reading:

Up Next

Security Testing with IAM Policy Stream

In this video, we'll talk about the IAM policy Stream. When developing an application, we often need access to AWS resources like DynamoDB, RDS, etc. To grant this access, we create IAM roles and assign permissions through policies. Determining these policies can be challenging — the IAM policy stream simplifies this task by identifying the necessary permissions for your cloud applications.


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