
Get started with Timestream on LocalStack


LocalStack contains basic support for Timestream time series databases, including these operations:

  • Creating databases
  • Creating tables
  • Writing records to tables
  • Querying timeseries data from tables

The supported APIs are available on our API Coverage Page (Timestream-Query/Timestream-Write), which provides information on the extent of Timestream integration with LocalStack.

Getting Started

The following example illustrates the basic operations, using the awslocal command line.

First, we create a test database and table:

$ awslocal timestream-write create-database --database-name testDB
$ awslocal timestream-write create-table --database-name testDB --table-name testTable

We can then add a few records with a timestamp, measure name, and value to the table:

$ awslocal timestream-write write-records --database-name testDB --table-name testTable --records '[{"MeasureName":"cpu","MeasureValue":"60","TimeUnit":"SECONDS","Time":"1636986409"}]'
$ awslocal timestream-write write-records --database-name testDB --table-name testTable --records '[{"MeasureName":"cpu","MeasureValue":"80","TimeUnit":"SECONDS","Time":"1636986412"}]'
$ awslocal timestream-write write-records --database-name testDB --table-name testTable --records '[{"MeasureName":"cpu","MeasureValue":"70","TimeUnit":"SECONDS","Time":"1636986414"}]'

Finally, we can run a query to retrieve the timeseries data (or aggregate values) from the table:

$ awslocal timestream-query query --query-string "SELECT CREATE_TIME_SERIES(time, measure_value::double) as cpu FROM testDB.timeStreamTable WHERE measure_name='cpu'"
  "Rows": [{
    "Data": [{
      "TimeSeriesValue": [{
        "Time": "2021-11-15T14:26:49",
        "Value": {
            "ScalarValue": 60


LocalStack’s Timestream implementation is under active development and only supports a limited set of operations, please refer to the API Coverage pages for an up-to-date list of implemented and tested functions within Timestream-Query and Timestream-Write.

If you have a usecase that uses Timestream but doesn’t work with our implementation yet, we encourage you to get in touch, so we can streamline any operations you rely on.