Chaos Engineering Dashboard

Chaos Engineering Dashboard allows users to run chaos experiments within their application stack to test the system’s resilience.


The Chaos Engineering Dashboard in LocalStack offers streamlined testing for cloud applications, enabling you to simulate server errors, service outages, regional disruptions, and network latency with ease, ensuring your app is ready for real-world challenges.

The dashboard uses LocalStack Chaos API under the hood to offer a set of customizable templates that can be seamlessly integrated into any automation workflows.

You can find this feature in the LocalStack Web Application by navigating to


The dashboard offers the following features:

  • DynamoDB Error: Randomly inject ProvisionedThroughputExceededException errors into DynamoDB API responses.
  • Kinesis Error: Randomly inject ProvisionedThroughputExceededException errors into Kinesis API responses.
  • 500 Internal Error: Randomly terminate incoming requests, returning an Internal Server Error with a response code of 500.
  • Service Unavailable: Cause a specified percentage of service API calls to receive a 503 Service Unavailable response.
  • AWS Region Unavailable: Simulate regional outages and failovers by disabling entire AWS regions.
  • Latency: Introduce specified latency to every API call, useful for simulating network latency or degraded network performance.