AWS Fault Injection Service
10 minute read
The Fault Injection Service is a fully managed service by AWS designed to help you improve the resilience of your applications by simulating real-world outages and operational issues. This service allows you to conduct controlled experiments on your AWS infrastructure, injecting faults and observing how your system responds under various conditions.
By using the Fault Injection Service, you can identify weaknesses, test recovery procedures, and ensure that your applications can withstand unexpected disruptions. This proactive approach to reliability engineering enables you to enhance system robustness, minimize downtime, and maintain a high level of service availability for your users.
To see the FIS in action within a more complex application stack, please refer to the Chaos Engineering Tutorials.
Fault Injection Service emulation is available as part of the LocalStack Enterprise plan. If you’d like to try it out, please contact us to request access.Prerequisites
The prerequisites for this guide are:
- LocalStack Pro with LocalStack CLI & LocalStack Auth Token
- AWS CLI with the
wrapper - Docker and Docker Compose
Ensure that you set the Auth Token as an environment variable before beginning:
$ localstack start
Getting Started
For more information on LocalStack FIS, please refer to the FIS service docs.This guide is created with users who are new to FIS in mind, and assumes basic knowledge of the AWS CLI and our awslocal
wrapper script.
The following demo will depict constructing various FIS experiments designed to trigger different types of failures in a DynamoDB service.
Let’s create a simple DynamoDB table called Students
in the us-east-1
$ awslocal dynamodb create-table \
--table-name Students \
--attribute-definitions AttributeName=id,AttributeType=S \
--key-schema AttributeName=id,KeyType=HASH \
--billing-mode PAY_PER_REQUEST \
--region us-east-1
"TableDescription": {
"AttributeDefinitions": [
"AttributeName": "id",
"AttributeType": "S"
"TableName": "Students",
"KeySchema": [
"AttributeName": "id",
"KeyType": "HASH"
"TableStatus": "ACTIVE",
"CreationDateTime": 1710945576.193,
"ProvisionedThroughput": {
"LastIncreaseDateTime": 0.0,
"LastDecreaseDateTime": 0.0,
"NumberOfDecreasesToday": 0,
"ReadCapacityUnits": 0,
"WriteCapacityUnits": 0
"TableSizeBytes": 0,
"ItemCount": 0,
"TableArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:000000000000:table/Students",
"TableId": "c9ae13b6-ecf1-42f2-8d69-0e14d65a4dc3",
"BillingModeSummary": {
"BillingMode": "PAY_PER_REQUEST",
"LastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime": 1710945576.193
The newly created table has two items added:
$ awslocal dynamodb put-item --table-name Students --region us-east-1 --item '{
"id": {"S": "1216"},
"first name": {"S": "Liam"},
"last name": {"S": "Davis"},
"year": {"S": "Junior"},
"enrolment date": {"S": "2023-03-19"}
$ awslocal dynamodb put-item --table-name Students --region us-east-1 --item '{
"id": {"S": "1748"},
"first name": {"S": "John"},
"last name": {"S": "Doe"},
"year": {"S": "Senior"},
"enrolment date": {"S": "2022-03-19"}
And then we can look up one of the students by ID, also using the awslocal CLI:
$ awslocal dynamodb get-item --table-name Students --key '{"id": {"S": "1216"}}'
"Item": {
"id": {
"S": "1216"
"last name": {
"S": "Davis"
"enrolment date": {
"S": "2023-03-19"
"first name": {
"S": "Liam"
"year": {
"S": "Junior"
Key concepts of FIS
Some of the most important concepts associated with a FIS experiment are:
1. Experiment Templates: Experiment templates define the actions, targets, and any stop conditions for your experiment. They serve as blueprints for conducting fault injection experiments, allowing you to specify what resources are targeted, what faults are injected, and under what conditions the experiment should automatically stop.
2. Actions: Actions are the specific fault injection operations that the experiment performs on the target resources. These can be injecting latency or throttling to API requests, completely blocking access to instances, etc. Actions define the type of fault, parameters for the fault injection, and the targets affected.
3. Targets: Targets are the AWS resources on which the experiment actions will be applied. To make things even more fine-grained, a specific operation of the service can be targeted.
4. Stop Conditions: Stop conditions are criteria that, when met, will automatically stop the experiment.
5. IAM Roles and Permissions: To run experiments, AWS FIS requires specific IAM roles and permissions. These are necessary for AWS FIS to perform actions on your behalf, like injecting faults into your resources.
6. Experiment Execution: When you start an experiment, AWS FIS executes the actions defined in the experiment template against the specified targets, adhering to any defined stop conditions. The execution process is logged, and detailed information about the experiment’s progress and outcome is provided.
Service Unavailability
action is deprecated and marked for removal.
Please use the Chaos API to achieve the same effect.In a file called dynamodb-experiment.json
let’s define a FIS experiment that causes all calls to the GetItem
API of the DynamoDB service to return a 503 Service Unavailable
This failure will happen 100% of the times the method is called.
"actions": {
"Test disruption": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:api-error",
"parameters": {
"service": "dynamodb",
"operation": "GetItem",
"percentage": "100",
"exception": "Service Unavailable",
"errorCode": "503"
"description": "Template for interfering with the DynamoDB service",
"stopConditions": [{
"source": "none"
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam:000000000000:role/ExperimentRole"
And create the experiment:
$ awslocal fis create-experiment-template --cli-input-json file://dynamodb-experiment.json
"experimentTemplate": {
"id": "547ec5c3-5ca1-4227-9b9d-a737223d1d42",
"description": "Template for interfering with the DynamoDB service",
"actions": {
"Test disruption": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:api-error",
"parameters": {
"service": "dynamodb",
"operation": "GetItem",
"percentage": "100",
"exception": "DynamoDbException",
"errorCode": "500"
"stopConditions": [
"source": "none"
"creationTime": 1710948862.04738,
"lastUpdateTime": 1710948862.04738,
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam:000000000000:role/ExperimentRole"
The experiment needs to be started in order to be running:
$ awslocal fis start-experiment --experiment-template-id 547ec5c3-5ca1-4227-9b9d-a737223d1d42
"experiment": {
"id": "1a01327a-79d5-4202-8132-e56e55c9391b",
"experimentTemplateId": "547ec5c3-5ca1-4227-9b9d-a737223d1d42",
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam:000000000000:role/ExperimentRole",
"state": {
"status": "running"
"actions": {
"Test disruption": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:api-error",
"parameters": {
"service": "dynamodb",
"operation": "GetItem",
"percentage": "100",
"exception": "DynamoDbException",
"errorCode": "500"
"stopConditions": [
"source": "none"
"creationTime": 1710949720.491161,
"startTime": 1710949720.491161
The LocalStack logs are confirming the experiment related activity:
2024-03-20T15:34:22.048 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_0] : AWS fis.CreateExperimentTemplate => 200
2024-03-20T15:48:40.492 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_0] : AWS fis.StartExperiment => 200
Let’s see it in action:
$ awslocal dynamodb get-item --table-name Students --key '{"id": {"S": "1216"}}'
An error occurred (DynamoDbException) when calling the GetItem operation (reached max retries: 9): Failing as per Fault Injection Simulator configuration
The logs now show several attempts of performing the GetItem
operation, before returning the error message:
2024-03-20T15:54:16.630 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_0] : AWS dynamodb.GetItem => 500 (DynamoDbException)
2024-03-20T15:54:16.707 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_1] : AWS dynamodb.GetItem => 500 (DynamoDbException)
2024-03-20T15:54:16.825 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_0] : AWS dynamodb.GetItem => 500 (DynamoDbException)
2024-03-20T15:54:17.040 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_1] : AWS dynamodb.GetItem => 500 (DynamoDbException)
2024-03-20T15:54:17.476 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_0] : AWS dynamodb.GetItem => 500 (DynamoDbException)
2024-03-20T15:54:18.301 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_1] : AWS dynamodb.GetItem => 500 (DynamoDbException)
2024-03-20T15:54:19.925 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_0] : AWS dynamodb.GetItem => 500 (DynamoDbException)
2024-03-20T15:54:23.141 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_0] : AWS dynamodb.GetItem => 500 (DynamoDbException)
2024-03-20T15:54:29.559 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_1] : AWS dynamodb.GetItem => 500 (DynamoDbException)
2024-03-20T15:54:42.381 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_1] : AWS dynamodb.GetItem => 500 (DynamoDbException)
However, the PutItem
and other operations are still working as expected:
$ awslocal dynamodb put-item --table-name Students --region us-east-1 --item '{
"id": {"S": "9865"},
"first name": {"S": "Jenny"},
"last name": {"S": "Jones"},
"year": {"S": "Sophomore"},
"enrolment date": {"S": "2021-03-19"}
2024-03-20T16:00:27.958 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_0] : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 200
Finally, the experiment can be stopped using the experiment’s ID with the following command:
awslocal fis stop-experiment --id 1a01327a-79d5-4202-8132-e56e55c9391b
Region Unavailability
action is deprecated and marked for removal.
Please use the Chaos API to achieve the same effect.This sort of experiment involves disabling entire regions to simulate regional outages and failovers.
Let’s see what that would look like, in a separate file, regional-experiment.json
"actions": {
"regionUnavailable-us-east-1": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:api-error",
"parameters": {
"region": "us-east-1",
"errorCode": "503"
"regionUnavailable-us-west-2": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:api-error",
"parameters": {
"region": "us-west-2",
"errorCode": "503"
"description": "Template for internal server error for regions us-west-2, us-east-1",
"stopConditions": [{
"source": "none"
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam:000000000000:role/ExperimentRole"
This template defines actions to simulate internal server errors (HTTP 503) in both us-east-1
and us-west-2
regions, without specific stop conditions.
These outages will affect all the resources within the regions.
The experiment is created and started:
$ awslocal fis create-experiment-template --cli-input-json file://regional-experiment.json
"experimentTemplate": {
"id": "19bec43e-9cb4-4bb8-9509-bf71c6e313c4",
"description": "Template for internal server error for regions us-west-2, us-east-1",
"actions": {
"regionUnavailable-us-east-1": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:api-error",
"parameters": {
"region": "us-east-1",
"errorCode": "503"
"regionUnavailable-us-west-2": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:api-error",
"parameters": {
"region": "us-west-2",
"errorCode": "503"
"stopConditions": [
"source": "none"
"creationTime": 1710951319.333033,
"lastUpdateTime": 1710951319.333033,
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam:000000000000:role/ExperimentRole"
$ awslocal fis start-experiment --experiment-template-id 19bec43e-9cb4-4bb8-9509-bf71c6e313c4
"experiment": {
"id": "1a650841-bc81-4b4b-9317-6ec52df51c1d",
"experimentTemplateId": "19bec43e-9cb4-4bb8-9509-bf71c6e313c4",
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam:000000000000:role/ExperimentRole",
"state": {
"status": "running"
"actions": {
"regionUnavailable-us-east-1": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:api-error",
"parameters": {
"region": "us-east-1",
"errorCode": "503"
"regionUnavailable-us-west-2": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:api-error",
"parameters": {
"region": "us-west-2",
"errorCode": "503"
"stopConditions": [
"source": "none"
"creationTime": 1710951725.475228,
"startTime": 1710951725.475228
The previously created table in the us-east-1
region, is not reachable, but this time a different error is thrown, the one that we defined in the latest experiment template:
$ awslocal dynamodb get-item --table-name Students --region us-east-1 --key '{"id": {"S": "1216"}}'
An error occurred (InternalError) when calling the GetItem operation (reached max retries: 9): Failing as per Fault Injection Simulator configuration
However, the eu-central-1
region is unaffected, and a new table can be created and used in that area.
$ awslocal dynamodb create-table \
--table-name Students \
--attribute-definitions AttributeName=id,AttributeType=S \
--key-schema AttributeName=id,KeyType=HASH \
--billing-mode PAY_PER_REQUEST \
--region eu-central-1
"TableDescription": {
"AttributeDefinitions": [
"AttributeName": "id",
"AttributeType": "S"
"TableName": "Students",
"KeySchema": [
"AttributeName": "id",
"KeyType": "HASH"
"TableStatus": "ACTIVE",
"CreationDateTime": 1710952212.617,
"ProvisionedThroughput": {
"LastIncreaseDateTime": 0.0,
"LastDecreaseDateTime": 0.0,
"NumberOfDecreasesToday": 0,
"ReadCapacityUnits": 0,
"WriteCapacityUnits": 0
"TableSizeBytes": 0,
"ItemCount": 0,
"TableArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:eu-central-1:000000000000:table/Students",
"TableId": "917f7df1-0050-433a-8647-427f072e7409",
"BillingModeSummary": {
"BillingMode": "PAY_PER_REQUEST",
"LastUpdateToPayPerRequestDateTime": 1710952212.617
awslocal dynamodb put-item --table-name Students --region eu-central-1 --item '{
"id": {"S": "1111"},
"first name": {"S": "Alice"},
"last name": {"S": "Simpson"},
"year": {"S": "Freshman"},
"enrolment date": {"S": "2020-03-19"}
2024-03-20T16:34:57.164 INFO --- [ asgi_gw_0] : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 200
Just as with the earlier experiment, this one should be stopped by running the following command:
awslocal fis stop-experiment --id e49283c1-c2e0-492b-b69f-9fbd710bc1e3
Service Latency
action is deprecated and marked for removal.
Please use the Chaos API to achieve the same effect.Let’s now add some latency to our DynamoDB API calls.
First the definition of a new experiment template in another file, latency-experiment.json
"actions": {
"latency": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:latency",
"parameters": {
"region": "us-east-1",
"latencyMilliseconds": 5000
"description": "template for testing delays in DynamoDB API calls",
"stopConditions": [],
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam:000000000000:role/ExperimentRole"
After saving the file, we can create and start the experiment:
$ awslocal fis create-experiment-template --cli-input-json file://latency-experiment.json
"experimentTemplate": {
"id": "1f6e0ce8-57ed-4987-a7e5-b85ba3f5b933",
"description": "template for testing delays in DynamoDB API calls",
"actions": {
"latency": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:latency",
"parameters": {
"service": "dynamodb",
"region": "us-east-1",
"latencyMilliseconds": "5000"
"stopConditions": [],
"creationTime": 1711024346.972359,
"lastUpdateTime": 1711024346.972359,
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam:000000000000:role/ExperimentRole"
$ awslocal fis start-experiment --experiment-template-id 1f6e0ce8-57ed-4987-a7e5-b85ba3f5b933
"experiment": {
"id": "dd598567-56e6-4d00-9ef5-15c7e90e7851",
"experimentTemplateId": "1f6e0ce8-57ed-4987-a7e5-b85ba3f5b933",
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam:000000000000:role/ExperimentRole",
"state": {
"status": "running"
"actions": {
"latency": {
"actionId": "localstack:generic:latency",
"parameters": {
"service": "dynamodb",
"region": "us-east-1",
"latencyMilliseconds": "5000"
"stopConditions": [],
"creationTime": 1711024425.844646,
"startTime": 1711024425.844646
This FIS experiment introduces a delay of 5 seconds to all DynamoDB API calls within the us-east-1
Tables located in the eu-central-1
region, or any other service, remain unaffected.
To extend the latency effect to a regional level, the specific service constraint can be omitted, thereby applying the latency to all resources within the selected region.
As always, remember to stop your experiment, so it does not cause unexpected issues down the line:
awslocal fis stop-experiment --id dd598567-56e6-4d00-9ef5-15c7e90e7851
Remember to replace the IDs with your own corresponding values.
Experiment overview
If you want to keep track of all your experiments and make sure nothing is running in the background to hinder any other work, you can get an overview by using the command:
$ awslocal fis list-experiments
"experiments": [
"id": "1a01327a-79d5-4202-8132-e56e55c9391b",
"experimentTemplateId": "547ec5c3-5ca1-4227-9b9d-a737223d1d42",
"state": {
"status": "stopped"
"creationTime": 1710949720.491161
"id": "1a650841-bc81-4b4b-9317-6ec52df51c1d",
"experimentTemplateId": "19bec43e-9cb4-4bb8-9509-bf71c6e313c4",
"state": {
"status": "stopped"
"creationTime": 1710951725.475228
"id": "e49283c1-c2e0-492b-b69f-9fbd710bc1e3",
"experimentTemplateId": "19bec43e-9cb4-4bb8-9509-bf71c6e313c4",
"state": {
"status": "stopped"
"creationTime": 1710951872.250418
"id": "dd598567-56e6-4d00-9ef5-15c7e90e7851",
"experimentTemplateId": "1f6e0ce8-57ed-4987-a7e5-b85ba3f5b933",
"state": {
"status": "running"
"creationTime": 1711024425.844646