Special Configurations

Set up LocalStack for chaos engineering using environment variables.


LocalStack allows users to inject intentional errors, particularly in Kinesis and DynamoDB. You can introduce controlled chaos into your development environment enhance to enhance service resilience. By configuring environment variables, you can simulate disruptions. This simple setup helps improve the response mechanisms of these key AWS services, ensuring robust architecture under challenging conditions with minimal initial configuration.

This guide demonstrates the DYNAMODB_ERROR_PROBABILITY and KINESIS_ERROR_PROBABILITY configuration flags. The guide assumes basic knowledge of the AWS CLI and our awslocal wrapper script.

Kinesis Error Probability

The KINESIS_ERROR_PROBABILITY setting allows users to introduce ProvisionedThroughputExceededException errors randomly into Kinesis API responses. The value for this setting ranges from 0.0 (default) to 1.0.

To demonstrate, set up LocalStack with KINESIS_ERROR_PROBABILITY at 0.5, indicating a 50% chance of receiving a ProvisionedThroughputExceededException from Kinesis.

$ KINESIS_ERROR_PROBABILITY=0.5 localstack start

Next, create a Kinesis stream using the AWS CLI with the CreateStream API. For example, to create a stream named “ProductsStream” with one shard, use:

$ awslocal kinesis create-stream \
        --stream-name ProductsStream \
        --shard-count 1

Assuming you have a product JSON converted into a Base64-encoded string, you can add this record to the stream like so:

$ awslocal kinesis put-record \
        --stream-name ProductsStream \
        --partition-key "12345" \
        --data "eyJwcm9kdWN0SWQiOiIxMjMiLCJwcm9kdWN0TmFtZSI6IlN1cGVyV2lkZ2V0IiwicHJvZHVjdFByaWNlIjoiMTk5Ljk5In0="

After performing similar operations repeatedly, you can check the logs to verify that the configuration is working as intended. Remember, records will only be added during successful calls.

2023-11-09T23:33:49.867  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS kinesis.CreateStream => 200
2023-11-09T23:34:01.003  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS kinesis.PutRecord => 200
2023-11-09T23:34:05.114  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS kinesis.PutRecord => 200
2023-11-09T23:34:08.178  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS kinesis.PutRecord => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:34:08.346  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS kinesis.PutRecord => 200
2023-11-09T23:34:09.726  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS kinesis.PutRecord => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:34:10.499  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS kinesis.PutRecord => 200
2023-11-09T23:34:11.982  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS kinesis.PutRecord => 200

DynamoDB Error Probability

The DYNAMODB_ERROR_PROBABILITY setting, similar to the Kinesis configuration, allows for random ProvisionedThroughputExceededException responses from the DynamoDB service. It also accepts a decimal value between 0.0 (default) and 1.0.

To start LocalStack with a high error probability for DynamoDB, set DYNAMODB_ERROR_PROBABILITY to 0.8:

$ DYNAMODB_ERROR_PROBABILITY=0.8 localstack start

Next, create a DynamoDB table using the AWS CLI with the CreateTable API. For example, to create a table named “Products” with a primary key of “ProductId”, use:

$ awslocal dynamodb create-table \
        --table-name Products \
        --attribute-definitions AttributeName=ProductId,AttributeType=S \
        --key-schema AttributeName=ProductId,KeyType=HASH \
        --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=1,WriteCapacityUnits=1

You can add items to the table using the PutItem API. For example, to add a product with an ID of “123”, a name of “SuperWidget”, and a price of “199.99”, use:

awslocal dynamodb put-item \
            --table-name Products \
            --item '{
            "ProductId": {"S": "123"},
            "ProductName": {"S": "SuperWidget"},
            "ProductPrice": {"N": "199.99"}

The logs will now show a higher frequency of ProvisionedThroughputExceededException errors, followed by successful attempts due to the boto3 retry mechanism:

2023-11-09T23:59:12.836  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.CreateTable => 200
2023-11-09T23:59:27.889  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_1] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:59:27.968  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:59:28.089  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_1] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:59:28.410  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 200
2023-11-09T23:59:35.845  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_1] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:59:35.911  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:59:36.028  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_1] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:59:36.249  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:59:36.673  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_1] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:59:37.484  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:59:39.101  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_0] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:59:42.326  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_1] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-09T23:59:48.737  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_1] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 400 (ProvisionedThroughputExceededException)
2023-11-10T00:00:01.606  INFO --- [   asgi_gw_1] localstack.request.aws     : AWS dynamodb.PutItem => 200

Despite these errors, the retry mechanism ensures that all items are eventually added to the DynamoDB table.