
Use the Pulumi Infrastructure as Code framework with LocalStack
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Pulumi’s infrastructure-as-code SDK helps you create, deploy, and manage AWS containers, serverless functions, and infrastructure using familiar programming languages. The endpoints configuration environment of Pulumi allows us to easily point Pulumi to LocalStack. This guide follows the instructions from Pulumi’s Get Started with Pulumi and AWS guide, with additional explanations of how to make it work with LocalStack.


Create a new Pulumi stack

First, run the following commands and follow the instructions in the CLI to create a new project.

$ mkdir quickstart && cd quickstart
$ pulumi new aws-typescript

We use the default configuration values:

This command will walk you through creating a new Pulumi project.

Enter a value or leave blank to accept the (default), and press <ENTER>.
Press ^C at any time to quit.

project name: (quickstart) 
project description: (A minimal AWS TypeScript Pulumi program) 
Created project 'quickstart'

Please enter your desired stack name.
To create a stack in an organization, use the format <org-name>/<stack-name> (e.g. `acmecorp/dev`).
stack name: (dev) 
Created stack 'dev'

aws:region: The AWS region to deploy into: (us-east-1) 
Saved config

Installing dependencies...

This will create the following directory structure.

$ tree -L 1
├── index.ts
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── Pulumi.dev.yaml
├── Pulumi.yaml
└── tsconfig.json

Now edit your stack configuration Pulumi.dev.yaml as follows:

  aws:accessKey: test
  aws:s3UsePathStyle: "true"
  aws:secretKey: test
  aws:skipCredentialsValidation: "true"
  aws:skipRequestingAccountId: "true"
    - accessanalyzer: http://localhost:4566
    - account: http://localhost:4566
    - acm: http://localhost:4566
    - acmpca: http://localhost:4566
    - amg: http://localhost:4566
    - amp: http://localhost:4566
    - amplify: http://localhost:4566
    - apigateway: http://localhost:4566
    - apigatewayv2: http://localhost:4566
    - appautoscaling: http://localhost:4566
    - appconfig: http://localhost:4566
    - appfabric: http://localhost:4566
    - appflow: http://localhost:4566
    - appintegrations: http://localhost:4566
    - appintegrationsservice: http://localhost:4566
    - applicationautoscaling: http://localhost:4566
    - applicationinsights: http://localhost:4566
    - appmesh: http://localhost:4566
    - appregistry: http://localhost:4566
    - apprunner: http://localhost:4566
    - appstream: http://localhost:4566
    - appsync: http://localhost:4566
    - athena: http://localhost:4566
    - auditmanager: http://localhost:4566
    - autoscaling: http://localhost:4566
    - autoscalingplans: http://localhost:4566
    - backup: http://localhost:4566
    - batch: http://localhost:4566
    - beanstalk: http://localhost:4566
    - bedrock: http://localhost:4566
    - bedrockagent: http://localhost:4566
    - budgets: http://localhost:4566
    - ce: http://localhost:4566
    - chime: http://localhost:4566
    - chimesdkmediapipelines: http://localhost:4566
    - chimesdkvoice: http://localhost:4566
    - cleanrooms: http://localhost:4566
    - cloud9: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudcontrol: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudcontrolapi: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudformation: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudfront: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudfrontkeyvaluestore: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudhsm: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudhsmv2: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudsearch: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudtrail: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatch: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchevents: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchevidently: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchlog: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchlogs: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchobservabilityaccessmanager: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchrum: http://localhost:4566
    - codeartifact: http://localhost:4566
    - codebuild: http://localhost:4566
    - codecatalyst: http://localhost:4566
    - codecommit: http://localhost:4566
    - codedeploy: http://localhost:4566
    - codeguruprofiler: http://localhost:4566
    - codegurureviewer: http://localhost:4566
    - codepipeline: http://localhost:4566
    - codestarconnections: http://localhost:4566
    - codestarnotifications: http://localhost:4566
    - cognitoidentity: http://localhost:4566
    - cognitoidentityprovider: http://localhost:4566
    - cognitoidp: http://localhost:4566
    - comprehend: http://localhost:4566
    - computeoptimizer: http://localhost:4566
    - config: http://localhost:4566
    - configservice: http://localhost:4566
    - connect: http://localhost:4566
    - connectcases: http://localhost:4566
    - controltower: http://localhost:4566
    - costandusagereportservice: http://localhost:4566
    - costexplorer: http://localhost:4566
    - costoptimizationhub: http://localhost:4566
    - cur: http://localhost:4566
    - customerprofiles: http://localhost:4566
    - databasemigration: http://localhost:4566
    - databasemigrationservice: http://localhost:4566
    - dataexchange: http://localhost:4566
    - datapipeline: http://localhost:4566
    - datasync: http://localhost:4566
    - dax: http://localhost:4566
    - deploy: http://localhost:4566
    - detective: http://localhost:4566
    - devicefarm: http://localhost:4566
    - directconnect: http://localhost:4566
    - directoryservice: http://localhost:4566
    - dlm: http://localhost:4566
    - dms: http://localhost:4566
    - docdb: http://localhost:4566
    - docdbelastic: http://localhost:4566
    - ds: http://localhost:4566
    - dynamodb: http://localhost:4566
    - ec2: http://localhost:4566
    - ecr: http://localhost:4566
    - ecrpublic: http://localhost:4566
    - ecs: http://localhost:4566
    - efs: http://localhost:4566
    - eks: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticache: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticbeanstalk: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticloadbalancing: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticloadbalancingv2: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticsearch: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticsearchservice: http://localhost:4566
    - elastictranscoder: http://localhost:4566
    - elb: http://localhost:4566
    - elbv2: http://localhost:4566
    - emr: http://localhost:4566
    - emrcontainers: http://localhost:4566
    - emrserverless: http://localhost:4566
    - es: http://localhost:4566
    - eventbridge: http://localhost:4566
    - events: http://localhost:4566
    - evidently: http://localhost:4566
    - finspace: http://localhost:4566
    - firehose: http://localhost:4566
    - fis: http://localhost:4566
    - fms: http://localhost:4566
    - fsx: http://localhost:4566
    - gamelift: http://localhost:4566
    - glacier: http://localhost:4566
    - globalaccelerator: http://localhost:4566
    - glue: http://localhost:4566
    - grafana: http://localhost:4566
    - greengrass: http://localhost:4566
    - groundstation: http://localhost:4566
    - guardduty: http://localhost:4566
    - healthlake: http://localhost:4566
    - iam: http://localhost:4566
    - identitystore: http://localhost:4566
    - imagebuilder: http://localhost:4566
    - inspector: http://localhost:4566
    - inspector2: http://localhost:4566
    - inspectorv2: http://localhost:4566
    - internetmonitor: http://localhost:4566
    - iot: http://localhost:4566
    - iotanalytics: http://localhost:4566
    - iotevents: http://localhost:4566
    - ivs: http://localhost:4566
    - ivschat: http://localhost:4566
    - kafka: http://localhost:4566
    - kafkaconnect: http://localhost:4566
    - kendra: http://localhost:4566
    - keyspaces: http://localhost:4566
    - kinesis: http://localhost:4566
    - kinesisanalytics: http://localhost:4566
    - kinesisanalyticsv2: http://localhost:4566
    - kinesisvideo: http://localhost:4566
    - kms: http://localhost:4566
    - lakeformation: http://localhost:4566
    - lambda: http://localhost:4566
    - launchwizard: http://localhost:4566
    - lex: http://localhost:4566
    - lexmodelbuilding: http://localhost:4566
    - lexmodelbuildingservice: http://localhost:4566
    - lexmodels: http://localhost:4566
    - lexmodelsv2: http://localhost:4566
    - lexv2models: http://localhost:4566
    - licensemanager: http://localhost:4566
    - lightsail: http://localhost:4566
    - location: http://localhost:4566
    - locationservice: http://localhost:4566
    - logs: http://localhost:4566
    - lookoutmetrics: http://localhost:4566
    - m2: http://localhost:4566
    - macie2: http://localhost:4566
    - managedgrafana: http://localhost:4566
    - mediaconnect: http://localhost:4566
    - mediaconvert: http://localhost:4566
    - medialive: http://localhost:4566
    - mediapackage: http://localhost:4566
    - mediapackagev2: http://localhost:4566
    - mediastore: http://localhost:4566
    - memorydb: http://localhost:4566
    - mq: http://localhost:4566
    - msk: http://localhost:4566
    - mwaa: http://localhost:4566
    - neptune: http://localhost:4566
    - networkfirewall: http://localhost:4566
    - networkmanager: http://localhost:4566
    - oam: http://localhost:4566
    - opensearch: http://localhost:4566
    - opensearchingestion: http://localhost:4566
    - opensearchserverless: http://localhost:4566
    - opensearchservice: http://localhost:4566
    - opsworks: http://localhost:4566
    - organizations: http://localhost:4566
    - osis: http://localhost:4566
    - outposts: http://localhost:4566
    - pcaconnectorad: http://localhost:4566
    - pinpoint: http://localhost:4566
    - pipes: http://localhost:4566
    - polly: http://localhost:4566
    - pricing: http://localhost:4566
    - prometheus: http://localhost:4566
    - prometheusservice: http://localhost:4566
    - qbusiness: http://localhost:4566
    - qldb: http://localhost:4566
    - quicksight: http://localhost:4566
    - ram: http://localhost:4566
    - rbin: http://localhost:4566
    - rds: http://localhost:4566
    - recyclebin: http://localhost:4566
    - redshift: http://localhost:4566
    - redshiftdata: http://localhost:4566
    - redshiftdataapiservice: http://localhost:4566
    - redshiftserverless: http://localhost:4566
    - rekognition: http://localhost:4566
    - resourceexplorer2: http://localhost:4566
    - resourcegroups: http://localhost:4566
    - resourcegroupstagging: http://localhost:4566
    - resourcegroupstaggingapi: http://localhost:4566
    - rolesanywhere: http://localhost:4566
    - route53: http://localhost:4566
    - route53domains: http://localhost:4566
    - route53recoverycontrolconfig: http://localhost:4566
    - route53recoveryreadiness: http://localhost:4566
    - route53resolver: http://localhost:4566
    - rum: http://localhost:4566
    - s3: http://localhost:4566
    - s3api: http://localhost:4566
    - s3control: http://localhost:4566
    - s3outposts: http://localhost:4566
    - sagemaker: http://localhost:4566
    - scheduler: http://localhost:4566
    - schemas: http://localhost:4566
    - sdb: http://localhost:4566
    - secretsmanager: http://localhost:4566
    - securityhub: http://localhost:4566
    - securitylake: http://localhost:4566
    - serverlessapplicationrepository: http://localhost:4566
    - serverlessapprepo: http://localhost:4566
    - serverlessrepo: http://localhost:4566
    - servicecatalog: http://localhost:4566
    - servicecatalogappregistry: http://localhost:4566
    - servicediscovery: http://localhost:4566
    - servicequotas: http://localhost:4566
    - ses: http://localhost:4566
    - sesv2: http://localhost:4566
    - sfn: http://localhost:4566
    - shield: http://localhost:4566
    - signer: http://localhost:4566
    - simpledb: http://localhost:4566
    - sns: http://localhost:4566
    - sqs: http://localhost:4566
    - ssm: http://localhost:4566
    - ssmcontacts: http://localhost:4566
    - ssmincidents: http://localhost:4566
    - ssmsap: http://localhost:4566
    - sso: http://localhost:4566
    - ssoadmin: http://localhost:4566
    - stepfunctions: http://localhost:4566
    - storagegateway: http://localhost:4566
    - sts: http://localhost:4566
    - swf: http://localhost:4566
    - synthetics: http://localhost:4566
    - timestreamwrite: http://localhost:4566
    - transcribe: http://localhost:4566
    - transcribeservice: http://localhost:4566
    - transfer: http://localhost:4566
    - verifiedpermissions: http://localhost:4566
    - vpclattice: http://localhost:4566
    - waf: http://localhost:4566
    - wafregional: http://localhost:4566
    - wafv2: http://localhost:4566
    - wellarchitected: http://localhost:4566
    - worklink: http://localhost:4566
    - workspaces: http://localhost:4566
    - xray: http://localhost:4566

Deploy the stack to LocalStack

Make sure your LocalStack is running. For the example stack, the only required service is S3. After updating the stack configuration, and starting localstack, you can run:

$ pulumi up

once the stack update was performed, you can run:

$ awslocal s3 ls

Where you should see something like

2021-09-30 11:50:59 my-bucket-6c21027


pulumilocal is a wrapper script and drop-in replacement for the pulumi CLI, that also provides commands to better interface Pulumi with LocalStack. You can find the source code repository here: https://github.com/localstack/pulumi-local


pulumilocal requires that you already have the pulumi command in your path. Then, simply run

$ pip install pulumi-local


pulumi version
pulumilocal version

should output the same value.


Instead of manually editing a stack configuration as explained earlier, you can run

$ pulumilocal init

which will create a Pulumi.localstack.yaml stack configuration, and initialize an additional stack named localstack.

You can now run

$ pulumilocal up

to start the localstack stack.


You can configure the integration between pulumi-local and LocalStack by adding these environment variables before running pulumilocal:

VariableDefault valueDescription
PULUMI_CMDpulumiThe Pulumi command that is being delegated to
PULUMI_STACK_NAMElocalstackThe Pulumi stack name used for looking up the stack file (Pulumi.<stack>.yaml)
AWS_ENDPOINT_URL-Hostname and port of the target LocalStack instance
LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAMElocalhost(Deprecated) The name of the host LocalStack is reachable at
EDGE_PORT4566(Deprecated) The port LocalStack is reachable at
USE_SSL0A truthy (1, true) string that indicates whether to use SSL when connecting to LocalStack

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