
Use the Pulumi Infrastructure as Code framework with LocalStack


Pulumi’s SDK for infrastructure-as-code allows you to create, deploy, and manage AWS containers, serverless functions, and other infrastructure using popular programming languages. It supports a range of cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes.

LocalStack can integrate with Pulumi through the Pulumi configuration environment. There are two main methods to configure Pulumi for use with LocalStack:

  • Using the pulumilocal wrapper script which automatically configures service endpoints.
  • Manually setting up the service endpoints in your Pulumi configuration, which requires ongoing maintenance.

This guide will show you how to set up local AWS resources using both the pulumilocal wrapper and manual configuration.

pulumilocal wrapper script

pulumilocal is a wrapper for the pulumi command line interface, facilitating the use of Pulumi with LocalStack. When executing deployment commands like pulumilocal ["up", "destroy", "preview", "cancel"], the script configures the Pulumi settings for LocalStack and runs the specified Pulumi command.

The endpoints are set to point to the LocalStack API (http://localhost:4566). This setup simplifies the deployment of Pulumi stacks against LocalStack.

Configure the Local Backend

Optionally, you can set environment variables to store state locally, avoiding cloud storage.

$ export PULUMI_BACKEND_URL=file://`pwd`/myproj

Install the pulumilocal wrapper script

You can install the pulumilocal wrapper script by running the following command:

$ pip install pulumi-local

You can now use the pulumilocal command to interact with your Pulumi project.

$ pulumilocal --help
Pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code

Create a new Pulumi project

To start a new project, use these commands:

$ mkdir myproj
$ pulumilocal new aws-typescript -y -s lsdev --cwd myproj

Deploy the Pulumi stack

Create and select the lsdev stack with:

$ pulumilocal stack select -c lsdev --cwd myproj

If you’ve just run the new typescript command, the stack is already selected. Deploy it with:

$ pulumilocal up --cwd myproj


Environment VariableDefault valueDescription
AWS_ENDPOINT_URL-Target LocalStack instance hostname and port
LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAMElocalhost(Deprecated) Target host for connecting to LocalStack
EDGE_PORT4566(Deprecated) Target port for connecting to LocalStack
PULUMI_CMDpulumiName of the executable Pulumi command on the system PATH

Manual configuration

Alternatively, you can manually configure local service endpoints and credentials. The following section will provide detailed steps for this manual configuration, assuming you have Pulumi installed.

Create a new Pulumi stack

Start a new project with:

$ mkdir quickstart && cd quickstart
$ pulumi new aws-typescript

We use the default configuration values:

This command will walk you through creating a new Pulumi project.

Enter a value or leave blank to accept the (default), and press <ENTER>.
Press ^C at any time to quit.

project name: (quickstart) 
project description: (A minimal AWS TypeScript Pulumi program) 
Created project 'quickstart'

Please enter your desired stack name.
To create a stack in an organization, use the format <org-name>/<stack-name> (e.g. `acmecorp/dev`).
stack name: (dev) 
Created stack 'dev'

aws:region: The AWS region to deploy into: (us-east-1) 
Saved config

Installing dependencies...

This will create the following directory structure.

$ tree -L 1
├── index.ts
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── Pulumi.dev.yaml
├── Pulumi.yaml
└── tsconfig.json

Configure the stack

Modify your stack configuration in Pulumi.dev.yaml to include endpoints for AWS services pointing to http://localhost:4566. However, these endpoints may change depending on the AWS plugin version you are using.

  aws:accessKey: test
  aws:s3UsePathStyle: "true"
  aws:secretKey: test
  aws:skipCredentialsValidation: "true"
  aws:skipRequestingAccountId: "true"
    - accessanalyzer: http://localhost:4566
    - account: http://localhost:4566
    - acm: http://localhost:4566
    - acmpca: http://localhost:4566
    - amg: http://localhost:4566
    - amp: http://localhost:4566
    - amplify: http://localhost:4566
    - apigateway: http://localhost:4566
    - apigatewayv2: http://localhost:4566
    - appautoscaling: http://localhost:4566
    - appconfig: http://localhost:4566
    - appfabric: http://localhost:4566
    - appflow: http://localhost:4566
    - appintegrations: http://localhost:4566
    - appintegrationsservice: http://localhost:4566
    - applicationautoscaling: http://localhost:4566
    - applicationinsights: http://localhost:4566
    - appmesh: http://localhost:4566
    - appregistry: http://localhost:4566
    - apprunner: http://localhost:4566
    - appstream: http://localhost:4566
    - appsync: http://localhost:4566
    - athena: http://localhost:4566
    - auditmanager: http://localhost:4566
    - autoscaling: http://localhost:4566
    - autoscalingplans: http://localhost:4566
    - backup: http://localhost:4566
    - batch: http://localhost:4566
    - beanstalk: http://localhost:4566
    - bedrock: http://localhost:4566
    - bedrockagent: http://localhost:4566
    - budgets: http://localhost:4566
    - ce: http://localhost:4566
    - chime: http://localhost:4566
    - chimesdkmediapipelines: http://localhost:4566
    - chimesdkvoice: http://localhost:4566
    - cleanrooms: http://localhost:4566
    - cloud9: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudcontrol: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudcontrolapi: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudformation: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudfront: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudfrontkeyvaluestore: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudhsm: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudhsmv2: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudsearch: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudtrail: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatch: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchevents: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchevidently: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchlog: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchlogs: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchobservabilityaccessmanager: http://localhost:4566
    - cloudwatchrum: http://localhost:4566
    - codeartifact: http://localhost:4566
    - codebuild: http://localhost:4566
    - codecatalyst: http://localhost:4566
    - codecommit: http://localhost:4566
    - codedeploy: http://localhost:4566
    - codeguruprofiler: http://localhost:4566
    - codegurureviewer: http://localhost:4566
    - codepipeline: http://localhost:4566
    - codestarconnections: http://localhost:4566
    - codestarnotifications: http://localhost:4566
    - cognitoidentity: http://localhost:4566
    - cognitoidentityprovider: http://localhost:4566
    - cognitoidp: http://localhost:4566
    - comprehend: http://localhost:4566
    - computeoptimizer: http://localhost:4566
    - config: http://localhost:4566
    - configservice: http://localhost:4566
    - connect: http://localhost:4566
    - connectcases: http://localhost:4566
    - controltower: http://localhost:4566
    - costandusagereportservice: http://localhost:4566
    - costexplorer: http://localhost:4566
    - costoptimizationhub: http://localhost:4566
    - cur: http://localhost:4566
    - customerprofiles: http://localhost:4566
    - databasemigration: http://localhost:4566
    - databasemigrationservice: http://localhost:4566
    - dataexchange: http://localhost:4566
    - datapipeline: http://localhost:4566
    - datasync: http://localhost:4566
    - dax: http://localhost:4566
    - deploy: http://localhost:4566
    - detective: http://localhost:4566
    - devicefarm: http://localhost:4566
    - directconnect: http://localhost:4566
    - directoryservice: http://localhost:4566
    - dlm: http://localhost:4566
    - dms: http://localhost:4566
    - docdb: http://localhost:4566
    - docdbelastic: http://localhost:4566
    - ds: http://localhost:4566
    - dynamodb: http://localhost:4566
    - ec2: http://localhost:4566
    - ecr: http://localhost:4566
    - ecrpublic: http://localhost:4566
    - ecs: http://localhost:4566
    - efs: http://localhost:4566
    - eks: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticache: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticbeanstalk: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticloadbalancing: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticloadbalancingv2: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticsearch: http://localhost:4566
    - elasticsearchservice: http://localhost:4566
    - elastictranscoder: http://localhost:4566
    - elb: http://localhost:4566
    - elbv2: http://localhost:4566
    - emr: http://localhost:4566
    - emrcontainers: http://localhost:4566
    - emrserverless: http://localhost:4566
    - es: http://localhost:4566
    - eventbridge: http://localhost:4566
    - events: http://localhost:4566
    - evidently: http://localhost:4566
    - finspace: http://localhost:4566
    - firehose: http://localhost:4566
    - fis: http://localhost:4566
    - fms: http://localhost:4566
    - fsx: http://localhost:4566
    - gamelift: http://localhost:4566
    - glacier: http://localhost:4566
    - globalaccelerator: http://localhost:4566
    - glue: http://localhost:4566
    - grafana: http://localhost:4566
    - greengrass: http://localhost:4566
    - groundstation: http://localhost:4566
    - guardduty: http://localhost:4566
    - healthlake: http://localhost:4566
    - iam: http://localhost:4566
    - identitystore: http://localhost:4566
    - imagebuilder: http://localhost:4566
    - inspector: http://localhost:4566
    - inspector2: http://localhost:4566
    - inspectorv2: http://localhost:4566
    - internetmonitor: http://localhost:4566
    - iot: http://localhost:4566
    - iotanalytics: http://localhost:4566
    - iotevents: http://localhost:4566
    - ivs: http://localhost:4566
    - ivschat: http://localhost:4566
    - kafka: http://localhost:4566
    - kafkaconnect: http://localhost:4566
    - kendra: http://localhost:4566
    - keyspaces: http://localhost:4566
    - kinesis: http://localhost:4566
    - kinesisanalytics: http://localhost:4566
    - kinesisanalyticsv2: http://localhost:4566
    - kinesisvideo: http://localhost:4566
    - kms: http://localhost:4566
    - lakeformation: http://localhost:4566
    - lambda: http://localhost:4566
    - launchwizard: http://localhost:4566
    - lex: http://localhost:4566
    - lexmodelbuilding: http://localhost:4566
    - lexmodelbuildingservice: http://localhost:4566
    - lexmodels: http://localhost:4566
    - lexmodelsv2: http://localhost:4566
    - lexv2models: http://localhost:4566
    - licensemanager: http://localhost:4566
    - lightsail: http://localhost:4566
    - location: http://localhost:4566
    - locationservice: http://localhost:4566
    - logs: http://localhost:4566
    - lookoutmetrics: http://localhost:4566
    - m2: http://localhost:4566
    - macie2: http://localhost:4566
    - managedgrafana: http://localhost:4566
    - mediaconnect: http://localhost:4566
    - mediaconvert: http://localhost:4566
    - medialive: http://localhost:4566
    - mediapackage: http://localhost:4566
    - mediapackagev2: http://localhost:4566
    - mediastore: http://localhost:4566
    - memorydb: http://localhost:4566
    - mq: http://localhost:4566
    - msk: http://localhost:4566
    - mwaa: http://localhost:4566
    - neptune: http://localhost:4566
    - networkfirewall: http://localhost:4566
    - networkmanager: http://localhost:4566
    - oam: http://localhost:4566
    - opensearch: http://localhost:4566
    - opensearchingestion: http://localhost:4566
    - opensearchserverless: http://localhost:4566
    - opensearchservice: http://localhost:4566
    - opsworks: http://localhost:4566
    - organizations: http://localhost:4566
    - osis: http://localhost:4566
    - outposts: http://localhost:4566
    - pcaconnectorad: http://localhost:4566
    - pinpoint: http://localhost:4566
    - pipes: http://localhost:4566
    - polly: http://localhost:4566
    - pricing: http://localhost:4566
    - prometheus: http://localhost:4566
    - prometheusservice: http://localhost:4566
    - qbusiness: http://localhost:4566
    - qldb: http://localhost:4566
    - quicksight: http://localhost:4566
    - ram: http://localhost:4566
    - rbin: http://localhost:4566
    - rds: http://localhost:4566
    - recyclebin: http://localhost:4566
    - redshift: http://localhost:4566
    - redshiftdata: http://localhost:4566
    - redshiftdataapiservice: http://localhost:4566
    - redshiftserverless: http://localhost:4566
    - rekognition: http://localhost:4566
    - resourceexplorer2: http://localhost:4566
    - resourcegroups: http://localhost:4566
    - resourcegroupstagging: http://localhost:4566
    - resourcegroupstaggingapi: http://localhost:4566
    - rolesanywhere: http://localhost:4566
    - route53: http://localhost:4566
    - route53domains: http://localhost:4566
    - route53recoverycontrolconfig: http://localhost:4566
    - route53recoveryreadiness: http://localhost:4566
    - route53resolver: http://localhost:4566
    - rum: http://localhost:4566
    - s3: http://localhost:4566
    - s3api: http://localhost:4566
    - s3control: http://localhost:4566
    - s3outposts: http://localhost:4566
    - sagemaker: http://localhost:4566
    - scheduler: http://localhost:4566
    - schemas: http://localhost:4566
    - sdb: http://localhost:4566
    - secretsmanager: http://localhost:4566
    - securityhub: http://localhost:4566
    - securitylake: http://localhost:4566
    - serverlessapplicationrepository: http://localhost:4566
    - serverlessapprepo: http://localhost:4566
    - serverlessrepo: http://localhost:4566
    - servicecatalog: http://localhost:4566
    - servicecatalogappregistry: http://localhost:4566
    - servicediscovery: http://localhost:4566
    - servicequotas: http://localhost:4566
    - ses: http://localhost:4566
    - sesv2: http://localhost:4566
    - sfn: http://localhost:4566
    - shield: http://localhost:4566
    - signer: http://localhost:4566
    - simpledb: http://localhost:4566
    - sns: http://localhost:4566
    - sqs: http://localhost:4566
    - ssm: http://localhost:4566
    - ssmcontacts: http://localhost:4566
    - ssmincidents: http://localhost:4566
    - ssmsap: http://localhost:4566
    - sso: http://localhost:4566
    - ssoadmin: http://localhost:4566
    - stepfunctions: http://localhost:4566
    - storagegateway: http://localhost:4566
    - sts: http://localhost:4566
    - swf: http://localhost:4566
    - synthetics: http://localhost:4566
    - timestreamwrite: http://localhost:4566
    - transcribe: http://localhost:4566
    - transcribeservice: http://localhost:4566
    - transfer: http://localhost:4566
    - verifiedpermissions: http://localhost:4566
    - vpclattice: http://localhost:4566
    - waf: http://localhost:4566
    - wafregional: http://localhost:4566
    - wafv2: http://localhost:4566
    - wellarchitected: http://localhost:4566
    - worklink: http://localhost:4566
    - workspaces: http://localhost:4566
    - xray: http://localhost:4566

Deploy the stack to LocalStack

To deploy, ensure the S3 service is included in your configuration, start LocalStack, and run:

$ pulumi up

After the update, check the S3 buckets with:

$ awslocal s3 ls

You should see output similar to:

2021-09-30 11:50:59 my-bucket-6c21027