Stack Overview

Stack Overview reflects the current state of your LocalStack environment


The Stack Overview provides a summary of deployed resources, categorized services with configurations, and quick access to resource details like identifiers and endpoints.

You can access the Stack Overview in the LocalStack Web Application. Alternatively, go to your LocalStack Instance and click on Overview to see a high-level visualization of your locally running cloud app architecture.

Stack Overview

Supported Resources

The following resources are supported by Stack Overview:

  1. AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi
  2. AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
  3. AWS::DynamoDB::Table
  4. AWS::EC2::VPC
  5. AWS::Events::EventBus
  6. AWS::IAM::Group
  7. AWS::IAM::Role
  8. AWS::IAM::User
  9. AWS::Lambda::Function
  10. AWS::S3::Bucket
  11. AWS::SES::EmailIdentity
  12. AWS::SNS::Topic
  13. AWS::SQS::Queue
  14. AWS::SSM::Parameter
  15. AWS::SecretsManager::Secret
  16. AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine
  17. AWS::CloudFront::Distribution
  18. AWS::Pipes::Pipe