
Learn about the references in this section for more technical descriptions about LocalStack and the related tools.

The documents in this section are dedicated to the internals, the configuration options, and the limitations of LocalStack.
The following figure shows an overview of the covered topics:

Overview of LocalStack internals

Network troubleshooting

How to troubleshoot common network problems

LocalStack Coverage

Overview of the implemented AWS APIs in LocalStack


Overview of configuration options in LocalStack


This page lists new features, highlights, and bug fixes for official LocalStack releases.

ARM64 Support

Running LocalStack on ARM64 CPUs


Credentials for accessing LocalStack AWS API

Cross-Account and Cross-Region Access

Accessing resources in another account or region

Custom TLS certificates

Using custom TLS certificates with LocalStack

Docker Images

Overview of LocalStack Docker images and their purpose

External Service Port Range

The range of ports used by services not directly provided by LocalStack

Filesystem Layout

Overview of runtime directory structure

Initialization Hooks

Writing shell or Python scripts to customize or initialize your LocalStack instance

Internal Endpoints

Overview of LocalStack and AWS specific internal endpoints for local development and testing


Overview of LocalStack logging and error reporting

Multi-Account Setups

Using LocalStack in multi-tenant setups


Running LocalStack inside Podman

Usage Tracking

Understand what data LocalStack collects and how you can opt out of usage tracking

API Key (Deprecated)

Configure your API key to start LocalStack