10 minute read
The Glue API in LocalStack Pro allows you to run ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) jobs locally, maintaining table metadata in the local Glue data catalog, and using the Spark ecosystem (PySpark/Scala) to run data processing workflows.
LocalStack allows you to use the Glue APIs in your local environment. The supported APIs are available on our API coverage page, which provides information on the extent of Glue’s integration with LocalStack.
Getting started
This guide is designed for users new to Glue and assumes basic knowledge of the AWS CLI and our awslocal
wrapper script.
Start your LocalStack container using your preferred method. We will demonstrate how to create databases and table metadata in Glue, run Glue ETL jobs, import databases from Athena, and run Glue Crawlers with the AWS CLI.
In order to run Glue jobs, some additional dependencies have to be fetched from the network, including a Docker image of apprx. 1.5GB which includes Spark, Presto, Hive and other tools. These dependencies are automatically fetched when you start up the service, so please make sure you’re on a decent internet connection when pulling the dependencies for the first time.Creating Databases and Table Metadata
The commands below illustrate the creation of some very basic entries (databases, tables) in the Glue data catalog:
$ awslocal glue create-database --database-input '{"Name":"db1"}'
$ awslocal glue create-table --database db1 --table-input '{"Name":"table1"}'
$ awslocal glue get-tables --database db1
You should see the following output:
"TableList": [
"Name": "table1",
"DatabaseName": "db1"
Running Scripts with Scala and PySpark
Create a new PySpark script named
with the following code:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
def init_spark():
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("HelloWorld").getOrCreate()
sc = spark.sparkContext
return spark,sc
def main():
spark,sc = init_spark()
nums = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4])
print( x: x*x).collect())
if __name__ == '__main__':
You can now copy the script to an S3 bucket:
$ awslocal s3 mb s3://glue-test
$ awslocal s3 cp s3://glue-test/
Next, you can create a job definition:
$ awslocal glue create-job --name job1 --role arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/glue-role \
--command '{"Name": "pythonshell", "ScriptLocation": "s3://glue-test/"}'
You can finally start the job execution:
$ awslocal glue start-job-run --job-name job1
can be used to query the status job the job execution, until it becomes SUCCEEDED
:$ awslocal glue get-job-run --job-name job1 --run-id <JobRunId>
You should see the following output:
"JobRun": {
"Id": "733b76d0",
"Attempt": 1,
"JobRunState": "SUCCEEDED"
For a more detailed example illustrating how to run a local Glue PySpark job, please refer to this sample repository.
Importing Athena Tables into Glue Data Catalog
The Glue data catalog is integrated with Athena, and the database/table definitions can be imported via the import-catalog-to-glue
Assume you are running the following Athena queries to create databases and table definitions:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE db2.table1 (a1 Date, a2 STRING, a3 INT) LOCATION 's3://test/table1'
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE db2.table2 (a1 Date, a2 STRING, a3 INT) LOCATION 's3://test/table2'
Then this command will import these DB/table definitions into the Glue data catalog:
$ awslocal glue import-catalog-to-glue
Afterwards, the databases and tables will be available in Glue.
You can query the databases with the get-databases
$ awslocal glue get-databases
You should see the following output:
"DatabaseList": [
"Name": "db2",
"Description": "Database db2 imported from Athena",
"TargetDatabase": {
"CatalogId": "000000000000",
"DatabaseName": "db2"
And you can query the databases with the get-databases
$ awslocal glue get-tables --database-name db2
"TableList": [
"Name": "table1",
"DatabaseName": "db2",
"Description": "Table db2.table1 imported from Athena",
"CreateTime": ...
"Name": "table2",
"DatabaseName": "db2",
"Description": "Table db2.table2 imported from Athena",
"CreateTime": ...
Glue crawlers allow extracting metadata from structured data sources.
LocalStack Glue currently supports S3 targets (configurable via S3Targets
), as well as JDBC targets (configurable via JdbcTargets
Support for other target types is in our pipeline and will be added soon.
S3 Crawler Example
The example below illustrates crawling tables and partition metadata from S3 buckets.
You can first create an S3 bucket with a couple of items:
$ awslocal s3 mb s3://test
$ printf "1, 2, 3, 4\n5, 6, 7, 8" > /tmp/file.csv
$ awslocal s3 cp /tmp/file.csv s3://test/table1/year=2021/month=Jan/day=1/file.csv
$ awslocal s3 cp /tmp/file.csv s3://test/table1/year=2021/month=Jan/day=2/file.csv
$ awslocal s3 cp /tmp/file.csv s3://test/table1/year=2021/month=Feb/day=1/file.csv
$ awslocal s3 cp /tmp/file.csv s3://test/table1/year=2021/month=Feb/day=2/file.csv
You can then create and trigger the crawler:
$ awslocal glue create-database --database-input '{"Name":"db1"}'
$ awslocal glue create-crawler --name c1 --database-name db1 --role arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/glue-role --targets '{"S3Targets": [{"Path": "s3://test/table1"}]}'
$ awslocal glue start-crawler --name c1
Finally, you can query the table metadata that has been created by the crawler:
$ awslocal glue get-tables --database-name db1
"TableList": [{
"Name": "table1",
"DatabaseName": "db1",
"PartitionKeys": [ ... ]
You can also query the created table partitions:
$ awslocal glue get-partitions --database-name db1 --table-name table1
"Partitions": [{
"Values": ["2021", "Jan", "1"],
"DatabaseName": "db1",
"TableName": "table1",
JDBC Crawler Example
When using JDBC crawlers, you can point your crawler towards a Redshift database created in LocalStack.
Below is a rough outline of the steps required to get the integration for the JDBC crawler working. You can first create the local Redshift cluster via:
$ awslocal redshift create-cluster --cluster-identifier c1 --node-type dc1.large --master-username test --master-user-password test --db-name db1
"Endpoint": {
"Address": "",
"Port": 4510
Then you can use any JDBC or Postgres client to create a table mytable1
in the Redshift database, and fill the table with some data.
Next, you’re creating the Glue database, the JDBC connection, as well as the crawler:
$ awslocal glue create-database --database-input '{"Name":"gluedb1"}'
$ awslocal glue create-connection --connection-input \
$ awslocal glue create-crawler --name c1 --database-name gluedb1 --role arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/glue-role --targets '{"JdbcTargets":[{"ConnectionName":"conn1","Path":"db1/%/mytable1"}]}'
$ awslocal glue start-crawler --name c1
Once the crawler has started, you have to wait until the State
turns to READY
when querying the current state:
$ awslocal glue get-crawler --name c1
Once the crawler has finished running and is back in READY
state, the Glue table within the gluedb1
DB should have been populated and can be queried via the API.
Schema Registry
The Glue Schema Registry allows you to centrally discover, control, and evolve data stream schemas. With the Schema Registry, you can manage and enforce schemas and schema compatibilities in your streaming applications. It integrates nicely with Managed Streaming for Kafka (MSK).
Currently, LocalStack supports the AVRO dataformat for the Glue Schema Registry. Support for other dataformats will be added in the future.You can create a schema registry with the following command:
$ awslocal glue create-registry --registry-name demo-registry
You can create a schema in the newly created registry with the create-schema
$ awslocal glue create-schema --schema-name demo-schema --registry-id RegistryName=demo-registry --data-format AVRO --compatibility FORWARD \
--schema-definition '{"type":"record","namespace":"Demo","name":"Person","fields":[{"name":"Name","type":"string"}]}'
"RegistryName": "demo-registry",
"RegistryArn": "arn:aws:glue:us-east-1:000000000000:file-registry/demo-registry",
"SchemaName": "demo-schema",
"SchemaArn": "arn:aws:glue:us-east-1:000000000000:schema/demo-registry/demo-schema",
"DataFormat": "AVRO",
"Compatibility": "FORWARD",
"SchemaCheckpoint": 1,
"LatestSchemaVersion": 1,
"NextSchemaVersion": 2,
"SchemaStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"SchemaVersionId": "546d3220-6ab8-452c-bb28-0f1f075f90dd",
"SchemaVersionStatus": "AVAILABLE"
Once the schema has been created, you can create a new version:
$ awslocal glue register-schema-version --schema-id SchemaName=demo-schema,RegistryName=demo-registry \
--schema-definition '{"type":"record","namespace":"Demo","name":"Person","fields":[{"name":"Name","type":"string"}, {"name":"Address","type":"string"}]}'
You should see the following output:
"SchemaVersionId": "ee38732b-b299-430d-a88b-4c429d9e1208",
"VersionNumber": 2,
"Status": "AVAILABLE"
You can find a more advanced sample in our localstack-pro-samples repository on GitHub, which showcases the integration with AWS MSK and automatic schema registrations (including schema rejections based on the compatibilities).
Delta Lake Tables
LocalStack Glue supports Delta Lake, an open-source storage framework that extends Parquet data files with a file-based transaction log for ACID transactions and scalable metadata handling.
Please note that Delta Lake tables are only supported for Glue versions3.0
and 4.0
.To illustrate this feature, we take a closer look at a Glue sample job that creates a Delta Lake table, puts some data into it, and then queries data from the table.
First, we define the PySpark job in a file named
(see below).
The job first creates a database db1
and table table1
, then inserts data into the table via both a dataframe and an INSERT INTO
query, and finally fetches the inserted rows via a SELECT
from awsglue.context import GlueContext
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
conf = SparkConf()
conf.set("spark.sql.extensions", "")
conf.set("spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog", "")
glue_context = GlueContext(SparkContext.getOrCreate(conf=conf))
spark = glue_context.spark_session
# create database and table
spark.sql("CREATE DATABASE db1")
spark.sql("CREATE TABLE db1.table1 (name string, key long) USING delta PARTITIONED BY (key) LOCATION 's3a://test/data/'")
# create dataframe and write to table in S3
df = spark.createDataFrame([("test1", 123)], ["name", "key"])
df.write.format("delta").options(path="s3a://test/data/") \
# insert data via 'INSERT' query
spark.sql("INSERT INTO db1.table1 (name, key) VALUES ('test2', 456)")
# get and print results, to run assertions further below
result = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM db1.table1")
print("SQL result:", result.toJSON().collect())
You can now run the following commands to create and start the Glue job:
$ awslocal s3 mb s3://test
$ awslocal s3 cp s3://test/
$ awslocal glue create-job --name job1 --role arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/test \
--glue-version 4.0 --command '{"Name": "pythonshell", "ScriptLocation": "s3://test/"}'
$ awslocal glue start-job-run --job-name job1
"JobRunId": "c9471f40"
The execution of the Glue job can take a few moments - once the job has finished executing, you should see a log line with the query results in the LocalStack container logs, similar to the output below:
2023-10-17 12:59:20,088 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Job 15 finished: collect at /private/tmp/, took 0,158257 s
SQL result: ['{"name":"test1","key":123}', '{"name":"test2","key":456}']
In order to see the logs above, make sure to enable DEBUG=1
in the LocalStack container environment.
Alternatively, you can also retrieve the job logs programmatically via the CloudWatch Logs API - for example, using the job run ID c9471f40
from above:
$ awslocal logs get-log-events --log-group-name /aws-glue/jobs/logs-v2 --log-stream-name c9471f40
{ "events": [ ... ] }
Resource Browser
The LocalStack Web Application provides a Resource Browser for Glue. You can access the Resource Browser by opening the LocalStack Web Application in your browser, navigating to the Resources section, and then clicking on Glue under the Analytics section.

The Resource Browser allows you to perform the following actions:
- Manage Databases: Create, view, and delete databases in your Glue catalog Databases tab.
- Manage Tables: Create, view, edit, and delete tables in a database in your Glue catalog clicking on the Tables tab.
- Manage Connections: Create, view, and delete Connections in your Glue catalog by clicking on the Connections tab.
- Manage Crawlers: Create, view, and delete Crawlers in your Glue catalog by clicking on the Crawlers tab.
- Manage Jobs: Create, view, and delete Jobs in your Glue catalog by clicking on the Jobs tab.
- Manage Schema Registries: Create, view, and delete Schema Registries in your Glue catalog by clicking on the Schema Registries tab.
- Manage Schemas: Create, view, and delete Schemas in your Glue catalog by clicking on the Schemas tab.
The following Developer Hub applications are using Glue:

Query data in S3 Bucket with Amazon Athena, Glue Catalog & CloudFormation

Leverage Amazon Athena to run standard SQL to analyze a large amount of data in Amazon S3 buckets deployed using CloudFormation on LocalStack
The following tutorials are using Glue:

Schema Evolution with Glue Schema Registry and Managed Streaming for Kafka (MSK) using LocalStack
Find incompatibilities early or even avoid them altogether when developing Kafka producers or consumers! Learn how to test data schema evolution by using Managed Streaming for Kafka (MSK) with the Glue Schema Registry in LocalStack.
21 minute read
The following code snippets and sample applications provide practical examples of how to use Glue in LocalStack for various use cases:
- localstack-pro-samples/glue-etl-jobs
- Simple demo application illustrating the use of the Glue API to run local ETL jobs using LocalStack.
- localstack-pro-samples/glue-redshift-crawler
- Simple demo application illustrating the use of AWS Glue Crawler to populate the Glue metastore from a Redshift database.
Further Reading
The AWS Glue API is a fairly comprehensive service - more details can be found in the official AWS Glue Developer Guide.
Current Limitations
Support for triggers is currently limited - the basic API endpoints are implemented, but triggers are currently still under development (more details coming soon).