IoT Wireless
2 minute read
AWS IoT Wireless is a managed service that enables customers to connect and manage wireless devices. The service provides a set of APIs to manage wireless devices, gateways, and destinations.
LocalStack allows you to use the IoT Wireless APIs in your local environment from creating wireless devices and gateways. The supported APIs are available on our API coverage page, which provides information on the extent of IoT Wireless’s integration with LocalStack.
Getting started
This guide is designed for users new to IoT Wireless and assumes basic knowledge of the AWS CLI and our awslocal
wrapper script.
Start your LocalStack container using your preferred method. We will demonstrate how to use IoT Wireless to create wireless devices and gateways with the AWS CLI.
Create a Wireless Device
You can create a wireless device using the CreateWirelessDevice
Run the following command to create a wireless device:
$ awslocal iotwireless create-device-profile
The following output would be retrieved:
"Id": "b8a8e3a8"
You can list the device profiles using the ListDeviceProfiles
Run the following command to list the device profiles:
$ awslocal iotwireless list-device-profiles
The following output would be retrieved:
"DeviceProfileList": [
"Id": "b8a8e3a8"
Create a Wireless device
You can create a wireless device using the CreateWirelessDevice
Run the following command to create a wireless device:
$ awslocal iotwireless create-wireless-device \
--cli-input-json file://input.json
The input.json
file contains the following content:
"Description": "My LoRaWAN wireless device",
"DestinationName": "IoTWirelessDestination",
"LoRaWAN": {
"DeviceProfileId": "ab0c23d3-b001-45ef-6a01-2bc3de4f5333",
"ServiceProfileId": "fe98dc76-cd12-001e-2d34-5550432da100",
"OtaaV1_1": {
"AppKey": "3f4ca100e2fc675ea123f4eb12c4a012",
"JoinEui": "b4c231a359bc2e3d",
"NwkKey": "01c3f004a2d6efffe32c4eda14bcd2b4"
"DevEui": "ac12efc654d23fc2"
"Name": "SampleIoTWirelessThing",
"Type": "LoRaWAN"
You can list the wireless devices using the ListWirelessDevices
Run the following command to list the wireless devices:
$ awslocal iotwireless list-wireless-devices
The following output would be retrieved:
"WirelessDeviceList": [
"Id": "0bca2fe2",
"Type": "LoRaWAN",
"Name": "SampleIoTWirelessThing",
"DestinationName": "IoTWirelessDestination",
"LoRaWAN": {
"DevEui": "ac12efc654d23fc2"
Create a Wireless Gateway
You can create a wireless gateway using the CreateWirelessGateway
Run the following command to create a wireless gateway:
$ awslocal iotwireless create-wireless-gateway \
--lorawan GatewayEui="a1b2c3d4567890ab",RfRegion="US915" \
--name "myFirstLoRaWANGateway" \
--description "Using my first LoRaWAN gateway"
The following output would be retrieved:
"Id": "e519dc4e"
You can list the wireless gateways using the ListWirelessGateways
Run the following command to list the wireless gateways:
$ awslocal iotwireless list-wireless-gateways
The following output would be retrieved:
"WirelessGatewayList": [
"Id": "e519dc4e",
"Name": "myFirstLoRaWANGateway",
"Description": "Using my first LoRaWAN gateway",
"LoRaWAN": {
"GatewayEui": "a1b2c3d4567890ab",
"RfRegion": "US915"