Security Testing

Security Testing in LocalStack allows you to test your IAM policies and permissions locally resembling the AWS environment.


Security Testing in LocalStack enables you to enforce your IAM permissions allowing you to test your security policies and create a more realistic environment that more closely resembles the real AWS. Security Testing in LocalStack encompasses the following features:

  • Enforce IAM policies & permissions in your setup to test your application security.
  • Retrieve IAM policy engine logs to gain visibility into the policy evaluation.
  • Discover appropriate permissions using IAM policy streams to fix logical errors.

IAM Policy Enforcement

Enforce IAM policies in LocalStack to test your policies

Explainable IAM

Discover IAM Policy Engine logs related to failed policy evaluation

IAM Policy Stream

Generate a stream of IAM policies as requests are coming into LocalStack using IAM Policy Stream.

Last modified July 18, 2024: setup markdownlint (#1382) (f2ebb421e)