accessanalyzer | | | |
AWS Account Management | | | |
ACM (AWS Certificate Manager) | | | |
AWS Private Certificate Authority (CA) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
amp | | | |
Amplify | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
amplifybackend | | | |
amplifyuibuilder | | | |
API Gateway | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
API Gateway Management API | | | |
API Gateway v2 | ✔️ | | |
AppConfig | | ✔️ | |
AppConfig Data | | | |
appfabric | | | |
appflow | | | |
appintegrations | | | |
Application Auto Scaling | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
application-insights | | | |
application-signals | | | |
applicationcostprofiler | | | |
appmesh | | | |
apprunner | | | |
appstream | | | |
AppSync | | | |
apptest | | | |
arc-zonal-shift | | | |
artifact | | | |
Athena | | | |
auditmanager | | | |
Auto Scaling | | | |
autoscaling-plans | | | |
b2bi | | | |
Backup | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
backup-gateway | | | |
backupsearch | | | |
Batch | | ✔️ | |
bcm-data-exports | | | |
bcm-pricing-calculator | | | |
bedrock | | | |
bedrock-agent | | | |
bedrock-agent-runtime | | | |
bedrock-data-automation | | | |
bedrock-data-automation-runtime | | | |
bedrock-runtime | | | |
billing | | | |
billingconductor | | | |
braket | | | |
budgets | | | |
CE (Cost Explorer API) | | | |
chatbot | | | |
chime | | | |
chime-sdk-identity | | | |
chime-sdk-media-pipelines | | | |
chime-sdk-meetings | | | |
chime-sdk-messaging | | | |
chime-sdk-voice | | | |
cleanrooms | | | |
cleanroomsml | | | |
cloud9 | | | |
cloudcontrol | | | |
clouddirectory | | | |
CloudFormation | ✔️ | | Users need to be sure that the stacks are completely deployed before saving LocalStack state. Users with complex inter-stack relationships may experience issues. Furthermore, we cannot guarantee that all the created services will be correctly restored. |
CloudFront | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
cloudfront-keyvaluestore | | | |
cloudhsm | | | |
cloudhsmv2 | | | |
cloudsearch | | | |
cloudsearchdomain | | | |
CloudTrail | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
cloudtrail-data | | | |
CloudWatch | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
codeartifact | | | |
codebuild | | | |
codecatalyst | | | |
CodeCommit | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
codeconnections | | | |
codedeploy | | | |
codeguru-reviewer | | | |
codeguru-security | | | |
codeguruprofiler | | | |
codepipeline | | | |
codestar-notifications | | | |
Cognito Identity | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
Cognito IDP (Cognito User Pools API) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
cognito-sync | | | |
comprehend | | | |
comprehendmedical | | | |
compute-optimizer | | | |
Config | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
connect | | | |
connect-contact-lens | | | |
connectcampaigns | | | |
connectcampaignsv2 | | | |
connectcases | | | |
connectparticipant | | | |
controlcatalog | | | |
controltower | | | |
cost-optimization-hub | | | |
cur | | | |
customer-profiles | | | |
databrew | | | |
dataexchange | | | |
datapipeline | | | |
datasync | | | |
datazone | | | |
dax | | | |
deadline | | | |
detective | | | |
devicefarm | | | |
devops-guru | | | |
directconnect | | | |
discovery | | | |
dlm | | | |
DMS (Database Migration Service) | | | |
DocumentDB | | | |
docdb-elastic | | | |
drs | | | |
ds | | | |
ds-data | | | |
dsql | | | |
DynamoDB | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
DynamoDB Streams | | | |
ebs | | | |
EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) | ✔️ | | Instances (Docker containers) are not persisted. The mock VM manager fully support persistence. |
ec2-instance-connect | | | |
ECR (Elastic Container Registry) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
ecr-public | | | |
ECS (Elastic Container Service) | | | |
EFS (Elastic File System) | | | |
EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) | ✔️ | ✔️ | We cannot persist EKS resources. |
eks-auth | | | |
elastic-inference | | | |
ElastiCache | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
Elastic Beanstalk | | | |
elastictranscoder | | | |
ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) | | | |
ELB v2 (Elastic Load Balancer v2) | | | |
EMR (Elastic MapReduce) | | | |
emr-containers | | | |
EMR (EMR Serverless) | | | |
entityresolution | | | |
ES (OpenSearch, legacy Elasticsearch) | | | |
EventBridge | ✔️ | | Replays in progress are discarded |
evidently | | | |
finspace | | | |
finspace-data | | | |
Kinesis Data Firehose | | | |
FIS (Fault Injection Simulator) | | | |
fms | | | |
forecast | | | |
forecastquery | | | |
frauddetector | | | |
freetier | | | |
fsx | | | |
gamelift | | | |
gameliftstreams | | | |
geo-maps | | | |
geo-places | | | |
geo-routes | | | |
Glacier (S3 Glacier) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
globalaccelerator | | | |
Glue | | | |
grafana | | | |
greengrass | | | |
greengrassv2 | | | |
groundstation | | | |
guardduty | | | |
health | | | |
healthlake | | | |
IAM (Identity and Access Management) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
identitystore | | | |
imagebuilder | | | |
importexport | | | |
inspector | | | |
inspector-scan | | | |
inspector2 | | | |
internetmonitor | | | |
invoicing | | | |
IoT (Internet of Things) | | | |
IoT Data | | | |
iot-jobs-data | | | |
iot-managed-integrations | | | |
iot1click-devices | | | |
iot1click-projects | | | |
IoT Analytics | | | |
iotdeviceadvisor | | | |
iotevents | | | |
iotevents-data | | | |
iotfleethub | | | |
iotfleetwise | | | |
iotsecuretunneling | | | |
iotsitewise | | | |
iotthingsgraph | | | |
iottwinmaker | | | |
IoT Wireless | | | |
ivs | | | |
ivs-realtime | | | |
ivschat | | | |
MSK (Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka) | ✔️ | ✔️ | The Kafka instances are restored. However, their content is not. |
kafkaconnect | | | |
kendra | | | |
kendra-ranking | | | |
keyspaces | | | |
Kinesis | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
kinesis-video-archived-media | | | |
kinesis-video-media | | | |
kinesis-video-signaling | | | |
kinesis-video-webrtc-storage | | | |
Kinesis Data Analytics API | | | |
MSF (Managed Service for Apache Flink) | | | |
kinesisvideo | | | |
KMS (Key Management Service) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
Lake Formation | | | |
Lambda | ✔️ | ✔️ | Hot-reloading Lambdas need special configuration. Visit the “Share deployment configuration between different machines” section in the Hot Reloading documentation page. |
launch-wizard | | | |
lex-models | | | |
lex-runtime | | | |
lexv2-models | | | |
lexv2-runtime | | | |
license-manager | | | |
license-manager-linux-subscriptions | | | |
license-manager-user-subscriptions | | | |
lightsail | | | |
location | | | |
CloudWatch Logs | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
lookoutequipment | | | |
lookoutmetrics | | | |
lookoutvision | | | |
m2 | | | |
machinelearning | | | |
macie2 | | | |
mailmanager | | | |
managedblockchain | | | |
managedblockchain-query | | | |
marketplace-agreement | | | |
marketplace-catalog | | | |
marketplace-deployment | | | |
marketplace-entitlement | | | |
marketplace-reporting | | | |
marketplacecommerceanalytics | | | |
mediaconnect | | | |
mediaconvert | | | |
medialive | | | |
mediapackage | | | |
mediapackage-vod | | | |
mediapackagev2 | | | |
Elemental MediaStore | | | |
Elemental MediaStore Data | | | |
mediatailor | | | |
medical-imaging | | | |
MemoryDB for Redis | | | |
meteringmarketplace | | | |
mgh | | | |
mgn | | | |
migration-hub-refactor-spaces | | | |
migrationhub-config | | | |
migrationhuborchestrator | | | |
migrationhubstrategy | | | |
Amazon MQ | | | |
mturk | | | |
MWAA (Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow) | | | |
Neptune | | | |
neptune-graph | | | |
neptunedata | | | |
network-firewall | | | |
networkflowmonitor | | | |
networkmanager | | | |
networkmonitor | | | |
notifications | | | |
notificationscontacts | | | |
oam | | | |
observabilityadmin | | | |
omics | | | |
OpenSearch | | | |
opensearchserverless | | | |
opsworks | | | |
opsworkscm | | | |
Organizations | | | |
osis | | | |
outposts | | | |
panorama | | | |
partnercentral-selling | | | |
payment-cryptography | | | |
payment-cryptography-data | | | |
pca-connector-ad | | | |
pca-connector-scep | | | |
pcs | | | |
personalize | | | |
personalize-events | | | |
personalize-runtime | | | |
pi | | | |
pinpoint | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
pinpoint-email | | | |
pinpoint-sms-voice | | | |
pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 | | | |
Pipes (EventBridge Pipes) | ✔️ | ✔️ | Persistence only tested for SQS source. |
polly | | | |
pricing | | | |
privatenetworks | | | |
proton | | | |
qapps | | | |
qbusiness | | | |
qconnect | | | |
QLDB (Quantum Ledger Database) | | | |
QLDB Session (Quantum Ledger Database Session) | | | |
quicksight | | | |
ram (Resource Access Manager) | | | |
rbin | | | |
RDS (Relational Database Service) | ✔️ | ✔️ | MSSQL does not support persistence. |
RDS data (Relational Database Service Data) | | | |
Redshift | | | |
Redshift Data | | | |
redshift-serverless | | | |
rekognition | | | |
repostspace | | | |
resiliencehub | | | |
resource-explorer-2 | | | |
Resource Groups | | | |
Resource Groups Tagging API | | | |
robomaker | | | |
rolesanywhere | | | |
Route 53 | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
route53-recovery-cluster | | | |
route53-recovery-control-config | | | |
route53-recovery-readiness | | | |
route53domains | | | |
route53profiles | | | |
Route 53 Resolver | ✔️ | | |
rum | | | |
S3 (Simple Storage Service) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
S3 Control (Simple Storage Service Control) | | | |
s3outposts | | | |
s3tables | | | |
SageMaker | | | |
sagemaker-a2i-runtime | | | |
sagemaker-edge | | | |
sagemaker-featurestore-runtime | | | |
sagemaker-geospatial | | | |
sagemaker-metrics | | | |
SageMaker Runtime | | | |
savingsplans | | | |
scheduler (EventBridge Scheduler) | | | |
schemas | | | |
sdb | | | |
Secrets Manager | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
security-ir | | | |
securityhub | | | |
securitylake | | | |
Serverless Application Repository | | | |
service-quotas | | | |
servicecatalog | | | |
servicecatalog-appregistry | | | |
Service Discovery (Cloud Map) | | | |
SES (Simple Email Service) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
SES v2 (Simple Email Service v2) | | | |
shield | | | |
signer | | | |
simspaceweaver | | | |
sms | | | |
sms-voice | | | |
snow-device-management | | | |
snowball | | | |
SNS (Simple Notification Service) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
socialmessaging | | | |
SQS (Simple Queue Service) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
SSM (Web Services Systems Manager) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
ssm-contacts | | | |
ssm-incidents | | | |
ssm-quicksetup | | | |
ssm-sap | | | |
sso | | | |
sso-admin (IAM Identity Center (successor to Single Sign-On)) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
sso-oidc | | | |
Step Functions | | | |
storagegateway | | | |
STS (Security Token Service) | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
supplychain | | | |
Support API | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
support-app | | | |
SWF (Simple Workflow Service) | | | |
synthetics | | | |
taxsettings | | | |
textract | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
timestream | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
tnb | | | |
Transcribe | ✔️ | ✔️ | |
Transfer | | | |
translate | | | |
trustedadvisor | | | |
voice-id | | | |
vpc-lattice | | | |
waf | | | |
waf-regional | | | |
wafv2 | | | |
wellarchitected | | | |
wisdom | | | |
workdocs | | | |
workmail | | | |
workmailmessageflow | | | |
workspaces | | | |
workspaces-thin-client | | | |
workspaces-web | | | |
X-Ray | | ✔️ | |