AWS Copilot CLI

Build, Release and Operate Containerized Applications on AWS with AWS Copilot CLI


The AWS Copilot CLI is a command line tool for developer, to release and operate containerized applications using the AWS services ECS, Fargate and App runner. Copilot CLI makes it very simple to deploy your application, without the need for manual configuration of the mentioned services.

Copilot Local

copilotlocal is a fork of AWS Copilot CLI, where the endpoints for all services are redirected to http://localhost:4566. Using copilotlocal instead of copilot in your command line therefore ensures the deployment of your service on LocalStack instead of AWS.

Download / Installation

curl -Lo copilotlocal && chmod +x copilotlocal
# if you want to have copilotlocal in your $PATH, move the executable e.g. to /usr/local/bin/

sudo mv copilotlocal /usr/local/bin/
curl -Lo copilotlocal && chmod +x copilotlocal
# if you want to have copilotlocal in your $PATH, move the executable e.g. to /usr/local/bin/

sudo mv copilotlocal /usr/local/bin/
curl -Lo copilotlocal && chmod +x copilotlocal
# if you want to have copilotlocal in your $PATH, move the executable e.g. to /usr/local/bin/

sudo mv copilotlocal /usr/local/bin/
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile copilotlocal.exe


  • LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME: Target hostname under which LocalStack endpoints are available (default:
  • EDGE_PORT: Target port under which LocalStack endpoints are available (default: 4566)
  • LOCALSTACK_DISABLE: Optional flag to disable the local endpoints and use the default behavior of copilot (set to 1 or true to enable)


copilotlocal can be used as a drop-in replacement for copilot. You can execute any copilot command as copilotlocal to run your intended action against LocalStack instead of AWS.

To deploy your init your copilot environment, execute the following command in your project folder:

copilotlocal init

For more information about how to use the AWS Copilot CLI, checkout the copilot documentation. Just remember to replace copilot with copilotlocal.

Last modified July 18, 2024: setup markdownlint (#1382) (f2ebb421e)