LocalStack Coverage

Overview of the implemented AWS APIs in LocalStack

AWS Account Management

Implementation details for API account

ACM (AWS Certificate Manager)

Implementation details for API acm

AWS Private Certificate Authority (CA)

Implementation details for API acm-pca


Implementation details for API amplify

API Gateway

Implementation details for API apigateway

API Gateway Management API

Implementation details for API apigatewaymanagementapi

API Gateway v2

Implementation details for API apigatewayv2


Implementation details for API appconfig

AppConfig Data

Implementation details for API appconfigdata

Application Auto Scaling

Implementation details for API application-autoscaling


Implementation details for API appsync


Implementation details for API athena

Auto Scaling

Implementation details for API autoscaling


Implementation details for API backup


Implementation details for API batch


Implementation details for API bedrock


Implementation details for API bedrock-runtime

CE (Cost Explorer API)

Implementation details for API ce


Implementation details for API cloudcontrol


Implementation details for API cloudformation


Implementation details for API cloudfront


Implementation details for API cloudtrail


Implementation details for API cloudwatch


Implementation details for API codebuild


Implementation details for API codecommit


Implementation details for API codedeploy


Implementation details for API codepipeline


Implementation details for API codestar-connections

Cognito Identity

Implementation details for API cognito-identity

Cognito IDP (Cognito User Pools API)

Implementation details for API cognito-idp


Implementation details for API config

DMS (Database Migration Service)

Implementation details for API dms


Implementation details for API docdb


Implementation details for API dynamodb

DynamoDB Streams

Implementation details for API dynamodbstreams

EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

Implementation details for API ec2

ECR (Elastic Container Registry)

Implementation details for API ecr

ECS (Elastic Container Service)

Implementation details for API ecs

EFS (Elastic File System)

Implementation details for API efs

EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)

Implementation details for API eks


Implementation details for API elasticache

Elastic Beanstalk

Implementation details for API elasticbeanstalk


Implementation details for API elastictranscoder

ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)

Implementation details for API elb

ELB v2 (Elastic Load Balancer v2)

Implementation details for API elbv2

EMR (Elastic MapReduce)

Implementation details for API emr

EMR (EMR Serverless)

Implementation details for API emr-serverless

ES (OpenSearch, legacy Elasticsearch)

Implementation details for API es


Implementation details for API events

Kinesis Data Firehose

Implementation details for API firehose

FIS (Fault Injection Simulator)

Implementation details for API fis

Glacier (S3 Glacier)

Implementation details for API glacier


Implementation details for API glue

IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Implementation details for API iam


Implementation details for API identitystore

IoT (Internet of Things)

Implementation details for API iot

IoT Data

Implementation details for API iot-data

IoT Analytics

Implementation details for API iotanalytics

IoT Wireless

Implementation details for API iotwireless

MSK (Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka)

Implementation details for API kafka


Implementation details for API kinesis

Kinesis Data Analytics API

Implementation details for API kinesisanalytics

MSF (Managed Service for Apache Flink)

Implementation details for API kinesisanalyticsv2

KMS (Key Management Service)

Implementation details for API kms

Lake Formation

Implementation details for API lakeformation


Implementation details for API lambda

CloudWatch Logs

Implementation details for API logs


Implementation details for API managedblockchain


Implementation details for API mediaconvert

Elemental MediaStore

Implementation details for API mediastore

Elemental MediaStore Data

Implementation details for API mediastore-data

MemoryDB for Redis

Implementation details for API memorydb

Amazon MQ

Implementation details for API mq

MWAA (Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow)

Implementation details for API mwaa


Implementation details for API neptune


Implementation details for API opensearch


Implementation details for API organizations


Implementation details for API pinpoint

Pipes (EventBridge Pipes)

Implementation details for API pipes

QLDB (Quantum Ledger Database)

Implementation details for API qldb

QLDB Session (Quantum Ledger Database Session)

Implementation details for API qldb-session

ram (Resource Access Manager)

Implementation details for API ram

RDS (Relational Database Service)

Implementation details for API rds

RDS data (Relational Database Service Data)

Implementation details for API rds-data


Implementation details for API redshift

Redshift Data

Implementation details for API redshift-data

Resource Groups

Implementation details for API resource-groups

Resource Groups Tagging API

Implementation details for API resourcegroupstaggingapi

Route 53

Implementation details for API route53

Route 53 Resolver

Implementation details for API route53resolver

S3 (Simple Storage Service)

Implementation details for API s3

S3 Control (Simple Storage Service Control)

Implementation details for API s3control


Implementation details for API sagemaker

SageMaker Runtime

Implementation details for API sagemaker-runtime

scheduler (EventBridge Scheduler)

Implementation details for API scheduler

Secrets Manager

Implementation details for API secretsmanager

Serverless Application Repository

Implementation details for API serverlessrepo

Service Discovery (Cloud Map)

Implementation details for API servicediscovery

SES (Simple Email Service)

Implementation details for API ses

SES v2 (Simple Email Service v2)

Implementation details for API sesv2


Implementation details for API shield

SNS (Simple Notification Service)

Implementation details for API sns

SQS (Simple Queue Service)

Implementation details for API sqs

SSM (Web Services Systems Manager)

Implementation details for API ssm

sso-admin (IAM Identity Center (successor to Single Sign-On))

Implementation details for API sso-admin

Step Functions

Implementation details for API stepfunctions

STS (Security Token Service)

Implementation details for API sts

Support API

Implementation details for API support

SWF (Simple Workflow Service)

Implementation details for API swf


Implementation details for API textract

Timestream Query

Implementation details for API timestream-query

Timestream Write

Implementation details for API timestream-write


Implementation details for API transcribe


Implementation details for API transfer


Implementation details for API wafv2


Implementation details for API xray

Last modified August 14, 2024: fix search script (#1431) (013a758e5)